[Lex Computer & Tech Group/LCTG] Black Holes Noble Prize Lectures

Dick r.w.wagner at verizon.net
Wed Apr 21 09:43:27 PDT 2021

As a followup to our presentation and discussion this morning, anyone 
interested in further information about black holes (their theoretical 
basis and especially observations surrounding them😉), the Noble Prize 
in Physics was awarded for this topic in 2020. The lectures given last 
December by Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel, and Andrea Ghez regarding 
their contributions to this topic can be found at the website:


This website lists the lectures for the Noble Prize in Physics for the 
past several years. For many, if not most, of these lectures, there were 
separate URLs for viewing the slides shown during these lectures so one 
could peruse the slides at their leisure. I couldn't find such URLs for 
the lectures this time.

Enjoy, Dick

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