[Lex Computer & Tech Group/LCTG] VoIP Invention

Dick r.w.wagner at verizon.net
Wed Oct 21 09:10:23 PDT 2020

Dear Gentlepeople,

As a follow-up on my comment on the person who is given credit for 
inventing the VoIP protocol, I want to correct some of the impressions 
that I left during the meeting .

The person who I was trying to reference, and incorrectly remembered her 
name, is Marian Croak (NOT Cooke). She worked at the Bell Labs. I have 
checked on some of her patents (she has over 200) and I'm not convinced 
now that she was the inventor of VoIP, but just has a number of patents 
in this field. Unfortunately, the USPTO database is not robust before 
1976 which is when the digitized database was created. There are images 
of patents before that, but I'm not sure how robust this database is.

Dick Wagner

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